Research output of academics in the science and engineering faculties of federal universities in Sou

This paper analysed the research output of academics in the science and engineering faculties of Federal Government-owned universities in Nigeria. It explored their level of research output during 1997-2006 in terms of the publication of journal articles and linked research and publication trends with place of publication and journal title. The stratified random sampling technique was used to select six out of the 13 Federal universities in southern Nigeria. Data on research output were collected through a questionnaire survey of the academics. In all, 435 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the academics, out which 353 copies were returned and only 291 were found usable for the analyses. The study revealed that 30.6% of the academics published between 0-4 journal articles; that only 2.7% of them published 30 or more journal articles during the period; and that as many as 42.1% did not have any article in overseas journals. The study recommends that Nigerian governments, university administrators and other stakeholders in scientific and technological research should improve the research environment in the universities by providing essential research resources. The National University Commission should establish a database of research publications by Nigerian academics to facilitate access to and analysis of data on research productivity. Keywords Research output, academics, science, engineering, universities, Lotka's law